
A job board connecting rope access technicians with businesses seeking skilled height work professionals.
UX/UI Design, Analysis, Development
Web & Mobile
Human Resources
Human Resources

Specialized Job Board

DAAS, the owner of the application, has been providing support for all types of high-altitude work to major technology companies and general contractors in the energy and industrial sectors for almost 20 years.

The client wanted to build an application to fill the gap in the market for rope access technicians. The key goal of the project was to create a user-friendly panel for users and develop an efficient algorithm for matching and proposing suitable contractors for specific jobs.

The RATapp mobile applications for iOS and Android provide technicians with constant access to new job proposals tailored to their location and qualifications. Meanwhile, companies looking for rope access technicians can easily reach a pool of specialists who meet the criteria and verify their skills through the application.

When developing the solution, we placed a strong emphasis on intuitive UX/UI design to make RATapp the primary tool used by technicians, facilitating the process of acquiring new jobs. The application enables simple registration, login, automatic matching of contractors with job providers, project creation, and job offers. It also provides reminders about the expiration date of certifications.

The project involved analysis, UX/UI design, development, testing, and was completed within 3 months using the no-code platform Bubble.

Initial Assumptions

A system of connected vessels

The client valued ease of use, reliability, and convenience in the developed solution. While the general concept of its functionality was known to us from the beginning, we had the freedom to propose suitable solutions regarding the details and architecture of the application. Due to the specific nature of the rope access technician job market and the continuous feedback from the client, we demonstrated our ability to adapt to new requirements and work in a dynamic and evolving environment.

UX Design

Let's plan it!

Due to the numerous interrelated functionalities and multiple iterations, it was crucial to precisely plan the cause-and-effect process and thoroughly design the user flows of the application. Before implementing each new functionality or update, we validated the logic of the presented solutions using user flow diagrams, meticulously analyzing their impact on the existing features.

UI Design / Branding

Clear and intuitive

Challenges: presenting a large number of job offers and their details, creating the application logo.

When designing the application's interface, we focused on functionality, contrasting colors, and readability. We used a color palette consisting of three main colors: black, white, and red, which are associated with rope access technician work. To break the somewhat austere and minimalist UI design and ensure optimal readability in all conditions and on any device, we chose the non-serif font Montserrat, commonly used in various digital products.

After confirming the requirements with the client, we prepared high-fidelity designs of all application sections in desktop and mobile versions, including views for administrators, job providers, and contractors. These designs covered the homepage, login and registration pages, job listings, individual job and contractor previews, as well as user profiles.


Connecting job providers with contractors

Based on extensive workshops, consultations with the client, and graphic design, our developers completed the responsive desktop version of the application and the mobile application in less than 3 months.

To validate the concept quickly, ensure accessibility among rope access technicians, and keep production costs low, we built the RATapp mobile application as a progressive web application (PWA). The PWA solution facilitates adapting the digital product for mobile devices without the need to develop multiple native applications for different operating systems.

The most significant challenge during application development was effectively integrating filters, email notifications, application and job statuses, and the rating system for contractors and job providers into a flawlessly functioning mechanism. This challenge was particularly pronounced due to the frequent minor changes made to the application's functionalities during the implementation phase.

Tools and integrations

We implemented the entire platform using the Bubble platform, exclusively within a three-month timeframe.

To personalize the user experience, all system-generated messages are sent through the Sendgrid platform.


Before presenting to the client, each implemented functionality underwent meticulous testing in the QA department.

A sibling application

Another project carried out for DAAS was nothing but the confirmation of the quality of our work. The project involving the use of RATapp as a base for creating another application dedicated to professionals in the construction industry was largely a copy of the previously developed application by havenocode. 

Several mechanisms for filtering and matching orders to contractors were modified, as well as the color palette and logo. The structure of subpages and the landing page remained almost unchanged, receiving only minor changes in presenting different types of content. More about the BESTbuilders application can be read here.

Project management

The ClickUp platform served as the primary project management tool, supported by email communication and weekly status meetings. To ensure complete transparency regarding project progress, all data, tasks, internal and external agreements were shared with the client for constant monitoring throughout the project's implementation.


A complex job board in 90 days? It's possible!

Time is crucial when validating ideas. Thanks to the no-code approach, we were able to build a complex platform that facilitates job acquisition for professionals in the rope access industry within three months. Additionally, we created a fully functional mobile equivalent in the form of a PWA.


The team eagerly shared their knowledge, experience, and the communication was pure joy.

Zespół chętnie dzielił się swoją wiedzą, doświadczeniem, a komunikacja była czystą przyjemnością.

Dawid Starzeczny
DAAS Group
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Emil Bednarczyk, havenocode NoCode and LowCode Development Agency CEO and Client Partner
Emil Bednarczyk
Client Partner / havenocode.io
M: +48 792 015 688
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Emil Bednarczyk
Client Partner / havenocode.io
M: +48 792 015 688
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